Author: admin_info

11th Annual Children’s Hope Golf Tournament

11th Annual Children’s Hope Golf Tournament

11th Annual Children’s Hope Golf Tournament – registration open – become a sponsor!

To register, donate prizes, or sign up for a sponsorship please contact Ben Parks at (702) 595-6003 or Deadline is October 20, 2017. This event sells out every year, so please sign up immediately to ensure a foursome.


Gene Ward Video Update

Gene Ward Video Update


Gene Ward Update Video

As part of a team collaboration with Project Dinner Table and The Junior League of Las Vegas, Los Vaqueros has been hard at work installing a fully sustainable pumpkin patch at Gene Ward Elementary.  Currently underway, this video shows the progress that has been made to enable an outdoor learning environment for the children that also acts as another source of revenue for the school.  If you would like to view the first video highlighting the start of this campaign, please click here.

Project Dinner Table Video

Project Dinner Table Video

Vegas Charity Events – School Garden Project at Gene Ward Elementary

Teaming up with Project Dinner Table and The Junior League of Las Vegas, Los Vaqueros joins in the efforts of expanding the outdoor learning space at Gene Ward Elementary. As part of the initiative, the teams install a fully irrigated pumpkin patch in order to provide the school with an additional revenue stream that doubles as a sustainable outdoor learning space for the children. This unique and valuable educational tool helps to build core skills through knowledge, discovery,curiosity and nutrition. To learn more, please check out our other video at

For a list of all of Los Vaqueros’ upcoming Vegas charity events, please visit

Lowman Elementary and The Courtyard Wonders

Lowman Elementary and The Courtyard Wonders

An update on “Courtyard Wonders” development.  Are all Los Vaqueros familiar with the 2009 project in which Los V partnered with Lowman Elementary School and constructed a garden within the courtyard of the school?  The garden contains multiple beds, irrigated and filled with quality/plant-able soil to grow vegetables.  The garden also contains an irrigated section for planting desert plants and a fish pond.  The children maintain the entire garden, grow the food, and study life cycles of the plants and fish.  Are all Los Vaqueros familiar with the 2010 project in which Los V built bug habitats for Lowman Elementary?  The garden furthered the study of creature life cycles allowing Lowman to add the study of Aquatic Snails, Bess Beetles, Crayfish, and more.  These wonderful education tools were created through acts of an amazing School Principal, dedicated School Teachers, and community minded Los Vaqueros.  When we think about what a single project has spawned and built the real question is: are we prepared to participate in the next “single project” and see where it goes?  Reach out to the Board of Directors and Committee Chairmen and ask how you can participate, if you are not you are missing out on the fun and the next “single project”.

We Are Los Vaqueros

We Are Los Vaqueros

Los Vaqueros Las Vegas Credo
An Organization Conceived In The Congress Of Fraternity And Community.
Our Organization Stands For Men Of Industry Committed To Engagement In Our Community Through Aid To Those Less Fortunate.
Our Organization Stands For Comradeship, Strength Of Purpose And The Time To Enjoy Both.