Category: Youth

Junior League of Southern Nevada

Los Vaqueros members provide the “extra hands” to assist the Junior League with various community service projects throughout the year. Helping build a new playground, filling food packs during the holidays, and pitching in on Junior League projects throughout the year displays how working together to serve the community can achieve even greater results

Back to School Shoe Giveaway

David Simard with Student

Los Vaqueros Las Vegas kicks off the school year with a Back to School Shoe Giveaway for 200-300 students in grades K-5 at Lowman Elementary School. Last year Los Vaqueros Las Vegas partnered with the Goodie Two Shoes Foundation to give students a new pair of shoes, socks, a backpack, and school supplies.

Food for Thought

At Risk youth

Over 93% of Lowman Elementary School’s students qualify for free or reduced lunch, meaning many students count on school-provided meals. Los Vaqueros generously arranges food deliveries from Three Square Food Bank twice a year so students can take home healthy food packages over the holiday breaks.

Courtyard Wonders

Courtyard Wonders

Los Vaqueros Las Vegas assisted with the building of Courtyard Wonders – a student garden featuring a desert plant habitat, fish pond, and vegetable garden. Students take pride in planting and caring for the garden with plans of having a Farmer’s Market.

H2O Grow

H2O Grow aims to educate students, nurture healthier lifestyles, and inspire communities by providing materials and instructional support for schools to create hydroponic gardens. The gardens offer a unique, hands-on approach to learning that enriches STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) education programs, fosters mentorship between schools and students, and enlightens kids about how food actually grows!

Real Talk Youth Impact Program

Real Talk’s mission is to change the lives of youth, one person at a time, through education, mentoring, and passion for a positive future.  The voluntary members of the Real Talk Youth Impact Program share their real-life “stories” with at-risk youth, hoping that those listening will make better choices. Los Vaqueros provides funding for certain participants in the program to receive sponsorships for youth activities.